Grading Service > PCGS
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$0.01 1951 Lincoln Cent 1c Cameo Proof PCGS PR65RD CAM
$0.05 / H10c 1840-O ND Transitional Seated Liberty Half Dime - PCGS G Det
$0.05 1909 (Cameo) Proof Liberty 5c Nickel - PCGS PR65 CAC
$0.05 1917-S Buffalo 5c Nickel - PCGS XF40
$0.05 1924-S Buffalo 5c Nickel - PCGS VF20
$0.05 1947-D Jefferson 5c Nickel - PCGS MS66FS
$0.10 1849 Seated Liberty Dime 10c - PCGS AU50
$0.10 1851-O Seated Liberty Dime 10c - PCGS AU53
$0.10 1858-S Seated Liberty Dime 10c - PCGS VF25 CAC
$0.10 1860-S Seated Liberty Dime 10c - PCGS AU50
$0.10 1869-S Seated Liberty Dime 10c - PCGS UNC Details (Questionable Color)
$0.10 1872-S Seated Liberty Dime 10c - PCGS XF45 PQ
$0.10 1896-O Barber 10c Dime - PCGS AU53
$0.10 1908-O Barber 10c Dime - PCGS VF25
$0.10 1927-D Mercury 10c Dime - PCGS MS64FB
$0.10 1965 Roosevelt Dime 10c - PCGS SP66 (Cameo Contrast)
$0.25 1901-O Barber Quarter 25c - PCGS F15 PQ
$0.25 1927-S Standing Liberty Quarter 25c - PCGS XF45
$0.50 1894-S Barber 50c Half Dollar - PCGS XF45
$0.50 1916-S Walking Liberty 50c Half Dollar - PCGS VG08
$1.00 1880-O Morgan Silver Dollar $1 - PCGS MS63 PQ
$1.00 1881 Morgan Silver Dollar $1 - PCGS MS65 CAC Toned
$1.00 1883-S Morgan $1 Dollar PCGS AU50 PQ
$1.00 1894-O Morgan $1 Dollar PCGS AU53 CAC
$1.00 1921 Peace Silver Dollar $1 High Relief - PCGS MS65 PQ
$1.00 1972 Type 2 Ike Eisenhower $1 Dollar - PCGS MS62 PQ
$10.00 1884 Gold Ten Dollar $10 Eagle - PCGS MS63
$10.00 1900-S Gold Ten Dollar $10 Eagle - PCGS XF45
$10.00 1904 Ten Dollar Gold Eagle $10 - PCGS MS63
$2.50 1854 Gold $2 1/2 Quarter Eagle - PCGS MS62 CAC PQ
$20.00 1880 $20 Gold Double Eagle - PCGS AU55 CAC (Gold)
$20.00 1882-S $20 Gold Double Eagle - PCGS MS61 (Semi-Prooflike)
$5.00 1881 Gold Half Eagle $5 - PCGS MS62 CAC
$5.00 1884 Gold Half Eagle $5 - PCGS MS62
$5.00 1884-S Gold Five Dollar Half Eagle - PCGS MS63
$5.00 1892-S Gold Five Dollar Half Eagle - PCGS MS62
$5.00 1894-S Gold Five Dollar Half Eagle - PCGS AU53
$5.00 1897-S Gold Half Eagle $5 - PCGS MS62
$5.00 1904-S Gold Five Dollar Half Eagle - PCGS AU50 CAC
$5.00 1911-D Gold Five Dollar Indian Half Eagle - PCGS XF45
Commem $0.50 1925 Stone Mountain Commemorative Half Dollar - PCGS MS64
Commem $0.50 Lexington Commemorative Half Dollar 50c - PCGS MS65 CAC
Commem $0.50 Monroe Commemorative Half Dollar 50c - PCGS MS65 PQ CAC
Commem $1.00 McKinley 1917 Gold Commemorative Dollar - PCGS MS65 PQ
Error $0.05 1925-D Buffalo 5c Nickel Rotated Dies - PCGS VF20 PQ
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